PhysX for nVidia Cards (Downloads here)

Download drivers here.

PhysX driver.

Now thats somewhat neat..

Improvement in games would be?? (in %)

no improvement unless your playing a game that has physix build in, and the only good one that uses that is unreal tournament 3, and thats not even that fun anyways.

is this just for 200 series nvidia cards?

and do you need to install both drivers?

and one more thing, why would anyone get them from a shady forum? if you want the latest drivers, get them from nvidia.

Well you can use the newest nVidia drivers (the ones posted in the first link were the newest at the time when I found them), and then use the PhysX on top of any of them. And, technically, you don't have to install both drivers if you already have the newest ones, just the second one. And, no, its not just for the GTX cards, it will work in 8xxx and 9xxx series.

the only other game that i can think of that would take advantage of the PhysX is a game that Agea had or something. you got it when you bought a Agea PhysX card (before nVidia brought them out). if i remember correctly

GRAW and GRAW2 supports it as well, I believe.

UT3, Warmonger (A free FPS, looks neat.) and uhhh.....uuhhhhh.....City of Heroes/Villains...uhh.....

Well anyway, PhysX is cool, I wanna see more of it, but I think ATI is winning with Havok, which is in like...everything. (But still doesn't need a damn dedicated processor...)