Spray Paint
My black desks were worn, so I painted them w/ Metallic Black acrylic auto lacquer and used the rest for a PC mod.
I have been Fall cleaning, a little at a time. Through trial and error, I have found clear coat for Wheels is extra tough and very glossy.
I converted an end table into a monitor / racing wheel stand. My mouse and keyboard are on a lap desk I found at Target. I painted the lap desk 3 weeks ago with Krylon plastic paint for the laminate top, but it was still sticky. How can paint not dry after weeks? I also decided to paint my PC's power supply unit.
Dust and wipe. Sand with fine 400 grit paper. If you need to start rougher 80- 120- 180- 220...finer etc. Wipe with a dry cloth or damp w/ alcohol.
Precisely tape around the area to be painted. Press the edges tight. Now mask the area that might get over-paint spray. Tape one edge of paper or plastic mask and apply the sheet to the Precise tape. Work around the edge, shingling the next mask as you go.
The "Surgical" mask is what I should be using today (I didn't). Because I painted my PSU In-Situ 'in place' Surgical conditions are warranted. After taping, place the object in a plastic bag. For a PC tower, a large garbage can bag is perfect. Cut small slits in the bag over the areas you want to be painted. Tape the edge of the holes to the Precise tape.
Find a place that is warm, not windy, well ventilated and where stray spray won't be an issue. I like to put the thing to be painted on a box, so I can move the box w/o touching wet paint. (Like I did it today.) Shake the cans and follow cans instructions. Do not point the can at the object. Test the nozzle.
When one first sprays your aim is always off. Aim to the left or right of your target. Hold the nozzle, correct your aim, and now slowly Sweep back and forth across the object to be spray painted. When you change direction, it is important to go beyond the object on the far side, before stopping and going the other way.
Give it a light coat of paint and a second light coat 10 minutes later.
In order to get a fine finish one must paint, dry for days, sand, paint, repeat 10-20 times. We ain't got time for that. This tutorial will not provide piano black mirror gloss finish but that's Okay.
Wait until the paint feels dry, then wait another hour. The surface may feel bumpy or hairy. Try using 800 sandpaper, you can use 1000 if you choose to do a second sanding. In a light circular motion sand/polish the dried paint. If the sandpaper gums up or sticks, STOP! Your paint is not dry yet. You are not trying to remove paint, just remove the imperfections. After polishing, check to see if you sanded through the paint. The areas will look like stars. If you find some, give another light touch up coat. Remember to Sweep. Never point the spray right at one spot.
After polishing the paint, wipe it with a dry cloth. Paint with clear coat. Polish it the same way. Do not sand paper polish the final clear coat.
I do the rubbing / polishing option too. Rubbing compound is course red mud and Polishing is fine and white. You rub the mud into your paint w/ a wet rag, let it dry, and you have to press hard to get the pain-in-the-butt stuff off. It works well but takes a lot of effort. When one is done you should wax your paint job. Because I use auto paint, I prefer Turtle Wax.
Imagining my next Screen Size. Excel helped.
You can see the table is 'mostly' black.
Only by knowing the rules, can we have Fun breaking them.