Photo Management software for networked photo storage

so I'm currently running Ubuntu and my photo library is currently stored on my freeNAS box. I have a NFS share setup that seems to "work" in that I can read and write files to the NAS. however I recently tried to use Shotwell to organize all my photos by date. basically copying the photos from one folder ont he NAS to a new organized folder on the NAS.

Shotwell freaked out and wouldn't do the entire photo library, I cut down it's work load and even with a few files it would error out claiming it didn't have write permissions to the folder. even though looking afterwards the folder structure was in place and the files had been copied.

to Solve this temporarily I had Shotwell copy the pictures locally. which I then backed up to the NAS again. however I can't seem to get Shotwell to place nice witht he network drive.

is there a better solution for Picture management on a network drive? I'd perfer something that would show me thumbnails of photos and maybe allow for some small non destructive editing.

I use DarkTable successfully, for photos stored on my Thecus NAS.

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Also have a look at digikam , I've not tried it over network though, but it's quite good.