Hi guys I live in Auckland New Zealand and I have possibly the most unreliable internet connection. The problem is the line from the road to the house is broken almost completely as the previous owners though it was a smart idea to plant a tree on top of a bare cable, they didn’t even put conduit down. Of course this means that telecom won’t pay for the repair of the line and we have already repaired it so many times it has a lot of joins in it giving us our max ADSL speed of 700KBs when it’s actually working. Yes we have ADSL as we are to far away from the cabinet to have any potential benefits of VDSL, I was told by a line technician 800m is the limit and we are almost a KM .
My parents have decided they don’t want to pay a lot of money to repair a cable or to lay a new one and rather lay a new cable ourselves. We have a line technician that will deal with the wiring at both ends and we know the legal requirements for depth and conduit. But don’t know what cable and can’t find any information about it anywhere.
What is the modern cable that goes from the road to the house in NZ for ADSL/Phoneline? We currently have a 2 pair copper cable 1 pair is dead/sliced and the other is unreliable. Is it just a water proof Cat cable? If so what one do you recommend and where could I buy a 150-200m length of it?
Thank you for any help with this.