Philips Hue Lighting

Has anyone tried the Hue lighting starter kit from Philips or know anyone that has them? If so, do you have an opinion on how well they work?

My scenario is a medium small-ish apartment (roughly 700 sq ft) that could easily be covered with 10 separate bulbs (not including outside; but then again...). Probably just start with the kit that has the 3 bulbs and the control-pod along with picking up one of the flood-style bulbs for the bathroom. 

Apologies if this has already been covered, or should be posted elsewhere (swear I looked for a search tab on the site, but never did locate it)...long-time lurker, first time posting.

Get some colored cellophane and you'll have Cheap-Hue.

Anyways, I never looked into it, but I heard that some people were having issues with the app thing not working correctly and making the wrong colors and stuff. That was a while ago though, so it should be fixed by now.

Past that, those are some really freaking expensive light bulbs.

Haha thanks man!

Figured if I was going to buy something totally unnecessary, might as well ask someone else how absurd is it really? I mean a couple hundred bucks for lightbulbs that should last like 10 years, and like dude...colors man!?