Phenom II X6 1035T OC Problems

ok i got my 6core cpu 3 months ago from tigerdirect and it works like a dream but overclocking is pretty difficult with this cpu , my goal is 4ghz or anywhere near that without changing voltage if possible, my mobo is an asrock 880-GM-LE, when i crank up the freq beyond 3.25Ghz (stock 2.6Ghz) in the bios my system will sucessfully post but if i run prime 95 and open cpuz the freq maxes out at 3.2GHz . what can i do to reach my goal. BTW my cooler as a coolermaster hyper 101

well, what program are you using to record the frequency?

CPU-Z latest release 

i also use asrock OC tuner view the current Frequency 

does it happen with any other frequency? and what happens if you push it higher than that?

it doesnt happen with any other freqency and when i do push it higher that 3.25ghz and run prime 95 cpuz says 3.2ghz even when i set it at 3.3,3.4 or 3.5ghz etc but when i do take it up to 3.6ghz thats when the system crashes when i run prime95 but software doesnt show 3.6ghz but in bios it shows 3.6ghz. this cpu has turbo i disabled that so i can achive a higher OC. software just isnt showing the true overclock freq i set it at. Is their a program that is good at monitoring freq 


You probably just need to up the voltage.

by how much i dont need to burn out my expensive CPU

Well you can't expect to overclock to almost 1ghz over stock speed without upping the voltage. I don't know the safe voltage range for AMD. If you google it, it shouldn't be too hard to find.

You really should have a much better cooler too if you're planning on getting to 4ghz. I would suggest getting at least a Cooler Master V6GT.

1.5v is the most you should ever do, I would do 1.45-1.475 keep an eye on those temps, check and see if its stable, lower the voltage a bump, prime95 it, lower the voltage a bit, prime95, rinse repeat until it becomes unstable, then up the voltage to last value

change your FSB to 250 and your multi to 16, up the CPU-NB voltage to 1.2v  this should give you a NB (memory controller, L3 cache speed) to 2500Mhz, lower your HT multi to 8 or 9 (2000-2250),  you will also need to lower you memory multi by the next lower level

an example of my moms computer

though yours will have more juice, a higher multi, mine is running at *stock* speeds but it has a higher NB freq and lower memory divider so it runs a bit faster than stock (its in the first MSI ATX case ever made so horrible cooling)