PGP Plays: Game Suggestions Here Please!

Payday 2 / TTT

Also if you were to revisit L4D2 perhaps an 8 player versus.

I think we will definitely revisit left4dead! It was a ton of fun


Good stuff, sure you could find 4 more people to play against from the audience too cough

I need to get that game, quite a few people I know have been playing it.

On holiday for the next few weeks and idk how well it'll run on a 3230M with 4GB of RAM (laptop).

Surprisingly well, just make sure its the second one 'cause you get all the L4D1 content.

You can do a 4 player bracket too.

2 at a time but still awesome

They said ma name twice, I'm like famous no?

Competitive CS:GO, would need a 5th though, just sub in logan

Brutal Doom

contagion and killing floor 2 are both awesome games

Ah, yes, killing floor 2's a goodun.

Has anyone played Savage Lands? Its currently in early access, so I havent played it myself, but it looks like it could make for a fun stream series

This game looks right up my alley, but it reminds me a lot of ARK or the Forest (hated the former, loved the latter). I'll be interested to see how good this one is.

I really enjoyed the communsim edition of Don't Starve, because it seemed chaotic and organized at the same time. Unlike the last few attempts everyone worked together (sort of kind of) - i.e Zim didn't escape into orbit by himself. I think everyone should stay engaged, so that worked really well and it brings out the whole part of Team PGP to shine.

Personally I'd like to see a game with a bit of a casual and friendly atmosphere, hack and slash games are not very exciting to watch if you ask me.

Maybe do some races in GTA V, I'm sure many people would like to see some intense car crashing!

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yeah same here. Ive been following it for a while, but I live by the never purchase early access code, so I've just been waiting anxiously.

Factorio (though not currently a steam game)
Counter Strike
Team Fortress 2
Saints Row (though I'm entirely sure how many people can play at one time)
Serious Sam


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Killing Floor 2

You guys should play star conflict

Or the game where you waterboard Zim until he's not an annoying little shit any more :D