Pfsense Web GUI problems

I'm having trouble getting into the pfsense Web GUI.

There is a connection from my computer to the pfsense router LAN port. I was able to ping my computer successfully from option 7 of the pfsense Welcome screen. The network settings on the computer also show the Default Route and DNS as the correct IP for the router LAN port.

I was able to get the Web GUI once earlier in the day, but after I rebooted the router, I haven't been able to get the WebGUI to load again.

The LAN port of my router is

I've tried both and

I've also done option 11 - Restart webConfigurator, and option 3 Reset webConfigurator password.

You're sure that your computer is on the right subnet and there are no conflicting IP addresses?

Yes, everything is set to subnet, and there aren't any conflicting IPs.

Does your computer have it's IP set manually or is it getting it from DHCP? And can you ping the router from your PC?

I had it set from DHCP.

Earlier just before I wrote this I was able to ping the computer from the router. Right now though, it won't ping either from the computer to router or vice versa.

On what hardware are you running on? Also are you using a modem, or a router in bridged-mode as your " Internet-gateway "? Have you tried any networks scanners so far? Also what is your PCs default gateway - is it btw the connection to pf-sense is allways done over https, unless disabled in the settings... hope that helps

Do you have a switch or something between you and the router? If so try connecting the PC directly to it. Actually if you are connected directly too it you might need a crossover cable, although most modern NICs should handle that automatically.

You should also try restarting your PC if you haven't already.

I'm just focused the router and the PC right now. I have the WAN set up to connect to the modem at some point, but I haven't configured the modem or anything for internet access through the router. I was planning to do the internet setup after I got into the webGUI. The default gateway on the pc is correct at

No switches. The PC is connected directly to the router, and the wifi on the pc is turned off so it can't connect into alternate networks.

I'm going to try rebooting both pc and router again.

Okay, one more question... how are your interfaces setup? Are the cables in the right interface? Do you have one interface configures as an WAN, on as an LAN? What kind oft hardware are you using an ALIX-board? If you can get us some readouts from a serial-console or so, would make it easier to help you :)

Okay, I'm able to get in to the webGUI now. I had the WAN from the router plugged into the modem before, but since that connection wasn't configured yet, I think it was just creating noise in the system and preventing the computer from connecting to the router.

Thanks for the help. I'll probably need more soon.

It's not an alix board. It's an mITX board with an intel celeron processor. There's one intel network interface port on the motherboard that i'm using for the WAN, and another intel NIC daughterboard attached to it that I'm using for hopefully all the LAN connections and connection to a WIFI transmitter.

Right now it looks like:

WAN (wan) -> igb0 -> v4: /24
v6/DHCP6: [IPv6 address]
LAN (lan) -> em0 -> v4: /24
OPT1 (opt1) -> em1 -> v4: /24
OPT2 (opt2) -> em2 -> v4: /24
OPT3 (opt3) -> em3 -> v4: /24

OPT 3 is probably going to change to WIFI with something like /32 for an IP