i am really getting fucking fed up with pfsense. I can't get my motherfucking wifi to work, i constantly have to reset to factory defaults. I AM BEGINNING TO FUCKING HATE IT WITH LACK OF DOCUMENTATION. It's becoming a joke as I speak right now. Everytime I try to get the wifi working, some of the problems I fucking keep getting!
IP Adress takes forever to obtain
DNS Server often dosen't respond
dosen't identify in windows
SSID sometimes dosen't show
I am getting fucking sick and tired of this bull shit. I am trying to redo my network, but pfsense is being a pain in my motherfucking ass. I'm sick of it. End Rant
Edit: I also tried adding the rule into the firewall and still dosen't fucking work. I also sometimes get ttl has expired, which is a new issue that often pops up. Once the DNS Server was somehow the ip of the gateway, which again I don't fucking understand.
This is one of those times where you just need to step away from the project for a while and come back to it with a clear mind. the more frustrated you get with it, the worse its going to get =P
The rate at which your piece of equipment (router in this case) broadcasts a signal. Sort of like how often it jumps up and down shouting "Hey over here! Im a router! Connect to me!"
The problem with a really high beacon interval is that you router yells out Marco! so fast it forgets to listen for the Polo! reply from you wireless card.
Ok Mod/Wendell/Logan/etc if you read this - WTH is up with the site? Half the time I load the site it says "No active topics" or I end up necroing some post from a year ago because it said last comment was 5 mins ago?
If you need ANY info to sort this out (browser ver, addons, anything at all) dont hesitate to contact me. This is getting annoying for me and no doubt the Tek staff and Phantom who has to run around with the Locked thread hammer. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose. =/
I second your comment. Being fairly new here I have had the issue with having to log in twice where I click the login button and am sent to an alternate screen which doesn't retain my login attempt (but remembers it as I have to choose the faintly dark logout button on the main page outside of the forums). I also sometimes get the red error text bubble of asking me to try to login again, then of course it works thereafter (green bubble). In any case that is my only issue as everything else has been fine for me.
Yea, I've mentioned on other threads that I've never really been a fan of pFsense. It seems to be too much trouble for what it's worth. If DD-WRT didn't exist or if factory routers were garbage, then it might make sense, but they aren't.