pfSense custom widgets

I wonder why there are no custom widgets available in the net. Am I missing something?

I just made one for myself showing the detailed CPU activity in a dashboard widget.
It just needs to be named custom_diag_system_activity.widget.php and placed in usr/local/www/widgets/widgets in the Diagnostics -> Edit File menu
After that its available in the widgets menu.

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nice. Post it on the forums and I bet someone there will help you package it as a plugin; start a trend mate!

Another one, Queues on dashboard
Name it /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/custom_status_queues.widget.php



There are custom widgets. They are just scattered around on the internet and you have do some intense googling to find them all. It was asked once to make a repository just for homebrew widgets just to be able to share them more easy then what is happening now. There is hardly any sharing at all now. However Jim Pingle just rejects any requests for adding widgets or for the setup of a repository so sharing gets easier. They just do not want to have anything to do with community builds of any kind i guess.