JJ said if there was a calling for it that they could try and make it happen so this is my attempt and voicing that calling. Feel free to express your opinions and Ideas here in the comments
The people over at the linustech forums have almost no hope at all. just responding with, "Not gonna happen", "a petition is not going to make a company release something." the thread i made just died a horrible death in the linustech forum.
I tried though, maybe if Logan promotes it, it will get somewhere. :/
how you gonne store that hughe socket 2011 and 4 dimm slots on a mini itx boards? included a beefy vrm heatsinks, 6 sata ports, and enough pci-e lanes?
the sacrifice would be using Laptop Ram however JJ Mentioned an AM3 ITX board. so maybe this would give you a good picture of how a socket 2011 theoretical ITX board would probably look like. except with a huge daughter board like their Z87 Mini ITX Deluxe board.
idea´s are nice but i just dont see it happen for socket 2011, also the fact that it would be totaly pointles to create a socket 2011 itx system, cause you would not be able to utilize half of the feutures that makes socket 2011 superior.
Where are you gonne store 40 pci-e gen 3 lanes? where you gonne store all the sata connectivity? quad channel memory? the big socket 2011 it self? ☺
i guess but my personal argument for the socket 2011 itx board is that some people need more cores or better yet the question is "WHY Can't i have a tiny monstrous workstation rig without having to even consider a mac pro?" and maybe someone doesn't want to grab a mATX board or an ATX board. so maybe an ITX socket 2011 board would make sense. actually scratch that there should at least be an option for it. a platform that has more cores than the mainstream platform and is capable of being an Exceptional, editing rig, gaming rig, server or whatever people need. when i built my PC I was definitely sold on the FX 8350, but i personally refuse to an ATX board. cause all the extra stuff that comes with an ATX board is something i personally didn't need. if AM3+ had a Maxmius Gene Motherboard or an Impact Board i would of been sold in a heartbeat. and i think same applies to socket 2011. people may need extra cores but probably don't need EVERYTHING an ATX or mATX has to offer. plus it would be nice to have a tiny system that at least rivals a mac pro in terms of size and performance or a gaming rig that is absurdly powerful in a tiny package.
16x to the 16x slot, 1x for each of the backplane IOs like one for each nic, M.2 should us a fair bit, M-PCI-E for wifi will use one too and a Thunderbolt port can handle the rest, laptop memory so-dimms are exactly half the length of regular desktop Dimms and I've seen them go up to 2133 stock, so seeing as you can fit 2 dimms on ITX means you could put 4 laptop dimms in the same place, daughter boards can house the VRMs and Fan headers
Mini-ITX is meant for power in a small space, not expandability, so being compact while offering the the sheer power of 2011 like a overclocked 4960X or a 12 core xeon that you simply cannot get on any other platform in the small form factor of Mini-ITX
the real obstacle is the calling for it, which jj already explained, they can try and make it as long as enough people want it
[email protected], I wouldn't be surprised if you could push it further with more juice, so there goes, laptop memory is too slow
Asus has never been one to wait around for someone else to solve their problems, we wouldn't even have mini-itx, digital VRMs or M.2 if it weren't for ASUS pushing the edge first and not waiting for anyone else