Personal Privacy Rights and the Charters of Freedom

Hey Gai's it's TheGai02. I'm writing a research paper on privacy which is due tomorrow and I just wanted to share each paragraph as I write. Note that some of it is political, however I will not criticize any individual person, administration, or government department. I hope you enjoy and can't wait to receive your constructive criticisms.

As citizens of a free country we have several rights; among these stands privacy, however many do not know what it truly encompasses or when authorities truncate it. Most Americans would feel dismayed at the level of overreach in terms of espionage and reconnaissance operations conducted by the federal government against its citizen. Even more shocking would come the fact that private organizations willingly hand over sensitive customer data without hesitation. Aggressive and well-nigh illicit government tactics aside the framers of the American system of government had a plan in place to protect their citizens from future more invasive authorities. Just as citizens’ privacy speedily diminishes due to foreign and domestic governments incursions one must become increasingly knowledgeable and informative on how to use the correct methods to protect oneself. American citizens have an inalienable right to privacy; recognizing by what methods violations on part of the government transpired and how the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights can assure that the innate rights they cling to remain well-protected.


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I finished writing and then Vault 7. I'm going to do alot of revision when I get it back.