Persona 5 announced

     I'm not sure if a lot of you are into RPGs, but the next entry into the awesome Megami Tensei series was just announced, along with four games for the handhelds. This is pretty cool, as these games are kind of regarded as the last consistently great JRPG series, so I'm pretty stoked.


     Has anybody here played any of these games before? I'm currently playing through SMT3: Nocturne on the PS2, which isn't much like Persona, but it's still really fun. It's like a refined monster hunting game with mythological themes. is a good introduction to the entire series. 

I know right! super stoked

It's gonna be cool. The 3DS game looks interesting, as well. Not exactly one for cutesy art styles, but the gameplay should be solid. Who knows, maybe they'll make the visual design work, as well?

I'll probably be picking up the games they announced minus the rhythm/dancing thing. I'll have to buy a PS3 shortly, I still haven't played Arena. 

That's awesome! I recently beat P4 and been wanting a new entry in the Persona series. Nocturne is pretty cool too, athough I've never got the chance to finish it.

Liked Persona and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. The other ones didn't quit do it for me, Just couldn't get into the part where in the portable versions you were using the gaming device you were on like on Devil Survivor. Can't get enough Disgaea though. We shall see how it turns out. Couldn't stand the star oceans after 2. One where you are a simulation inside of the game and Lolicon after that. Would have like the last one if it wasn't for how out of place the characters seemed in the game universe.