Performance Questions (4K)


I am planning on starting a Kickstarter project and I am currently planning out what PC to get.

I will get a 4K monitor @ 60Hz with DP. But I'm wondering if three Titan Blacks can run games well at that massive resolution.



If three titan blacks can't push a 4K monitor, there isn't anything you can do lol. Theres no plan B to fall back on. Adding a 4th won't do much, in fact the third one won't be a huge increase either. SLI scaling drops off considerably at 3, and even more at 4. Thats why there is no option for 5 cards, because the 5th card would do next to nothing.

TLDR: Three Titan blacks should have plenty of Vram and power for 4K, and dear god the money...

I am making a 3D-animated movie. I am asking for $100,000. Don't you worry about the money. All and all it's just another... $10K in the wall.

dat pink floyd reference hehe. Good luck then! I hope everything turns out great.

If you're doing 3D animation, a workstation card like the Quadro might be more appropriate than Titan Blacks in SLI.