Performance Issues with AMD's Catalyst 15.4 Beta Drivers?

Also known as the GTAV update, downloaded it because I was getting horrible artifacts while playing GTAV which it now seemed to have cleared up but now have a new issue.
My GPU will now randomly ramps up to 97% load and just stays there making me unable to play any games, I have seen this exact same issue before many a year ago when I had my 5850 after a driver update, luckily back then AMD didn't take long to come out with another update fixing this problem, I just wanted to know if anyone else is having this same issue since I haven't seen anyone else reporting this yet, My GPU is a 1GB HD 6950 BTW.

Either way looks like I may downgrade my drivers and just wait for the full release of the new one.

Have you tried completely removing the drivers with DDU and reinstalling them?

I have and even ran a reg cleaner just to be sure but the problem persists, downgraded to the old drivers now and the problem is gone, I just always have bad luck with beta drivers >.<

Fair enough, Wait till stable I guess, Hopefully it will not be that long.

Well I have to give AMD credit, they got the Beta drivers out very quickly after the game was released and most people don't seem to have any issues with it but alas it was just wasn't meant to be, still curious tho in finding anyone else who has this same issue since the previous issue I had years ago effected everyone with a 5800 series card so I'm wondering if this is the same but with anyone with a 6900 card

Might be worth a shout over on there should be a few there with the saem GPU if not whole setup to find out. Now to wade through the... posts.

Catalyst has been pretty shitty lately (just like nVidia drivers by the way lolz, they trade places on top of the crap heap depending on the hardware). I think 14.5 or something is the latest that almost doesn't show artifacts (except a few in Windows composition). I would wait until it's certified, there will be bugs galore. Until then, use the latest certified version.

i'd roll back to stable drivers, check profiles and debug drivers (make sure you aren't putting overlay layers etc.)

Same here on my 290X. The driver crashes, the game stops working but the GPU-load stays at 100% even on Windows desktop. Only system restart will fix it. One thing though, when I first installed the game everything worked perfectly. The issues started after Rockstar released the first patch. I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think that's how it went.

Quick update, after switching to the older drivers everything seemed hunky dory for awhile but it started doing it again the the next time I loaded the game up so I just gave up, but after update number 3 I taught I should just try it and the problem is completely gone and has been gone for awhile now so it was never the drivers fault but a bug in the game.