People Can Fly is Independent again

Who is People Can Fly: They made the original Painkiller
They had been bought by Epic and made Bulletstorm.
Now they are leaving Epic and going back to being independent:

They also bought the rights to Bulletstorm. They are currently working on a title but we don't know what it is.

What do you guys think of this news?

Independent studios is always good news.

The guys who made Painkiller going independent again is particularly good news.

BULLETSTORM 2!!! pleasepleaseplease

Yes but without all the slow fast Epic branded spacemarines slowing it down.

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I agree to an extend. The tone in the first game kind of required the kind of burly men that wakes up in the morning and hates everything for 10 minutes. Then drink gasoline and swallow nails before they go out to piss on the world carrying a lighter. But that can be done without the space marine uniform.