People are still defending the Xbox One

How can people still defend the Xbox One? I mean from a standpoint it's a terrible console for just gaming and your privacy. People are still going on like it;s nothing and I'm thinking to myself... HOW!?! What is wrong with people? I'm not getting one personaly but the stupidity is bonkers.

Personally, I would not bother, cause in the end when Microsoft gives the update that starts the DRM all over again and the people who bought it will scream and yell that they are bad because of it and ask why we (the ones who protested in the beginning and didn't buy one) don't do anything, I'm just going to stare them in the eyes and say "I told you so." then turn around and walk away. It ain't my fault they never listened.

I feel the need to play the Devil's advocate here and point out that if the xbone tanks despite microsoft reducing the DRM, they will never most likely take it as a reason to disregard consumer input in the future.

I don't think you understand the shitstorm that would happen if they brought back DRM. Including getting sued, a lot.. Apart from the Kinect always having to be plugged in(although you can turn it off) and the $500 pricepoint what exactly is wrong with the Xbox One?

SO decided to try and have a rational debate with some Xbox One fans. That went horribly. They all could not think rationally at all ;-; I thought the point of debating was to be rational and it's not working. They all went on about not caring about privacy being overstepped and, and not caring about the amount of ads, or the quality of service. How? Sigh... I believe the reason I started this thread is out of mental anguish because of no logical thinking in my fellow console gamers. Can anyone explain to me why people are clinging to such silly nonsense of remaining blind and ignorant?

There are Xbox One fans? Honestly, I haven't seen any.

Maybe he's talking about those things that were cooling the room in the MSFT offices?

Let me try to simplify the logic of those who will by the box. If you have an XBL account and play online or simply very much enjoy playing the exclusive titles, then you will atleast consider getting the XB1. For those like me, that means whenever $500 magically falls from the sky and I don't have anything more important (like say my lack of AC in car atm >.<) to put it towards, then I'll pick it up if I can't play the next Halo games on my 360. The same can be said for Any ecosystem.

Like I said, just walk away. Some things just can't be changed without "breaking the law". Not saying that you should "break the law", but I think you catch my drift.