I just got a 10g NIC for my home backup NAS, its a Broadcom BCM57810S and is a pcie 3.0 x8 device. It works perfectly in the C3758D4I-4L 's x8 slot when its configured to run as a full x8 slot.
My problem is i cant get it to boot or post when i set the bios to have that slot run in x4 mode, such to use the other 4 lanes for that mini sas/sata port such that all my drives are connected.
I’m guessing i’m not understanding how pcie slots and lanes work. So any help or explanation is welcome. The 10gbe card is dual port which is why it uses 8 lanes. i only intend to use 1 port and therefor in my head reasoned i really only need 4lanes. I thought pcie devices would still work with fewer lanes, just not at full speed. Is this correct? Or do I need to find a single port 10gbe card that uses a pcie 3.0 x4 connection to use this configuration?