PCIE Card with Ethernet and Storage Connectors + Small Linux Server on a Card

Is there a card that has Ethernet ports and some combination of NVME/SAS/SATA ports with a basic processor for a small OS to manage essentially a NAS on a PCIE card to enable a basic desktop PC with a bit of spare storage and a PCIE slot for power.

Does this exist?

You mean this thing;

I seem to recall an LTT video of a computer that slots into another computer’s PCIe but I cant seem to find it…

Like this? Raspberry Pi Grants Remote Access Via PCIe (Sort Of) | Hackaday

Or like this? ASRock Rack PAUL – Buy ASRock Rack PAUL low-profile PCIe IPMI Card | WISP Australia

Or even this? MikroTik Routers and Wireless - Products: CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe

I guess maybe even this? Intel PCIe Socketable Computer: Tear-Down of Ghost Canyon NUC SFF PC - YouTube

Supplying storage / NAS functionality is probably a bit too big of an ask though. If you want a NAS then you probably want something external.

If that had a SoC to function as it’s own standalone NAS device that would be perfect, I didn’t look at Synology or QNAP because I thought that this product would eat into their market.

Essentially I want to be able to turn an old PC or gaming machine into a NAS.

The MikroTik card I think is the closest to what I am thinking about.

Not a Intel PCIE NUC but I was thinking of my old KillerNIC which ran it’s own network processor on linux back in the day. I was thinking of the same sort of thing but for network storage. I don’t want to use a full external NAS, I have a gaming box that I don’t want to run extra services on, but it has extra storage slots and power, so I was thinking of a way to put that to use without burdening my gaming machine.

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