PCI Passthrough, Questions

Okay so I have attempted passthrough before, with failure so I would like some advice on a new way to attack it.

I of course want Arch Linux on SSD and W10 on HDD for gaming, Arch I will use for everything apart from gaming.
So I want to use my R9 290 for gaming as well as other hardware, I have VT-d.
Now should I also use my old 6870 for Arch then blacklist 290 to then allow qemu to pass the GPU through.
Or can I simply run Linux on iGPU and then run W10 on 290 via passthrough (I would prefer this method most)

Any ideas on how I should do it, Zoltans old thread didn't work for me no matter what I tried even though I had the correct hardware to do it.


I have no idea but surely you have google it and found this ... maybe


Good luck and I plan to do it myself in a near future

I didn't know about this lol

This might help you on getting pass-through to work:

Yes you can use the R9 290 for the guest and the onboard GPU for the host.