Pci-e power conectors are they only for gpus?

I know there are other things you can connect, but realisticaly, will I ever use them for anything else other than gpus?

I am wondering how many do i need.

sometimes, but not really.

You can have SSD's, hi-end Sound Cards, expansion cards (network, usb etc) stuff like that.

Fixed your spelling and moved to more appropriate category.

There is an unofficial motto for PCI. If it will fit, it will work. (EDIT: clearly this only applies to PCI hardware) There is even a video of Linus plugging a GPU into and x1 slot, he had to cut the plastic out of the back to do it but it worked fine if a little slower then usual.

I am sry, I guess i was not specific enough. I ment the pci-e that comes out of PSU. But I guess this answers my questio anyway.

And sry for my spelling, it has been a long time since i have writen in english. Also I am on a phone.

Good i cant wait till i get my hands on a keyboard again.

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I can't wait until everyone's grammar is perfect. The world would be a much better place :)

You's gunna be waitin a while I's reckon...

Moved back and added a few words to clarify.

Thanks and sorry, ill try to do better next time.

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I bet he will, for as long as i am here anyway.

*I not i ;)

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Damn, I knew i forgot something :(

you can use pci-e power for any device that needs 12v rail power. that said gpu's and cpu's are the only pc parts I've heard of using 12volts. hdds and stuff all use the 5v rails on your psu.

Thanks, I guess I dont need to many of those things then.