Hey guys
I have a problem. When I press my power button on my pc, the fans spin briefly and then stops. The computer wont turn on, but it has power. When I connect my mouse and keyboard they light up. Can anyone help me out?
Hey guys
I have a problem. When I press my power button on my pc, the fans spin briefly and then stops. The computer wont turn on, but it has power. When I connect my mouse and keyboard they light up. Can anyone help me out?
Look at your PSU, see if the voltage thing is on the wrong one. If that does not work, try unplugging everything, after that, if that does not work, take apart your computer and put it back together. That is all I can say.
Is it a newly built PC or one that has run before?
If it is new, did you do a BIOS Update? I've had the issue before that my CPU was so new that the board didn't recognize it and wouldn't turn on, not even a POST.
If it's one that has run before, could be a thousand things x)
Run before
did you try to turn it off and on?
Try isolating the issue, but from the looks one of those is acting up
- cpu
- mobo
- psu
Something many techs say to try is unplug the PC, hold down the power button for about 60 seconds - this drains the capacitors and plug the PC back in. Try turning it on. let us know if this helps, if not lets try something else.
Does it give you any post errors?
There may be an issue with compatibility of ram or cpu not being seated correctly.
Like others have said... Could be many different things... Personally, the one time I had this it was a dodgy 12v rail on my psu... Easiest way to check would be to try another psu that you know works...
Sorry idk
This happened me before, turned out my main power pin into the motherboard was slightly out of place so I just pushed in tightly and it was fine after that.
Problem fixed: I just had to unplug EVERYTHING and reconnect it all. Probably was just a loose power connector or something.
Had a tower that when the power was turned off it would randomly flicker the LEDs and spin a fan for a fraction of a second, sometimes it would do that then turn on. Some times it would not turn on it would just do a slight flicker then do nothing. Found that if I gave the CPU fan a spin and push the button it would turn on. Didn't have the money to do anything about it so I just decided to be amused by the light show and the fact that no else was able to turn the computer on. Also taught me to never buy a case where you couldn't get to the factory installed wires.
CPU: AMD FX 4200
MoBo: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
Heatsink: CM Hyper 212 Evo
GPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 750 TI
PSU: EVGA 600W 80+ bronze
Case: NZXT S340 mid tower (white)
i would say, take everything out of your case.
lay the motherboard down on its cardboard box, re-install the cpu, install 1 ram stick, insert the gpu, connect the psu, make sure you double check the 24 pin and additional 4 or 8 pin cpu power connectors.
Connect a monitor, and fire it up outside the case on the cardboard box, by shorting the Power Switch pins from the front panel header for a second.
Ofc becarefull with that.
If you have splash screen, then shut it off, and connect your hdd, and fire up again, if you still have splash screen, then carefully build everything back into the case.
Double check your io shield if those lips dont toutch the motherboard somehow.
Could be that there is some kind of short cirquit somewhere.