So for Christmas I decided I would get a second GTX 660, and SLI link them. But when I installed it my PC wouldn't boot. It would just flash a black screen with an underscore, then turn my display off and repeat that until I turned my PC off.
I'm not sure what the problem could be because I tested the new 660 in my first PCI-E slot and it boots up fine. Any help would be appreciated.
how many watts is your power supply?
It is a corsair 750 watt gold rated psu
Bump. This problem is still unsolved.
It seems like your pc is trying to boot from something other than your HDD. My Pc does that if I have a USB drive plugged into it when I'm booting it up. Do you have any chance at all to get into the bios? Try unplugging any external peripheral devices and see if it still does it. If you can get into your bios still, check the boot order. I don't see why the PC wouldn't boot because of an extra GPU considering you have ample power.