I recently bought a pc and after about a two month period it stopped displaying anything on my monitor. I checked the ram its fine, i removed all the ram and powered on the pc, it started beeping. i assume that means the motherboard and psu are fine. i don't know what else to do any help or advise would be very much appreciated.
-sorry if i post this in the wrong place im new to this website
If you are using a dedicated gpu try putting your VGA cable into your on board Video
no its a intel with on board graphics, ive tried hdmi and vga and that doesnt change anything. any other advice?
Does the monitor still work - ie. have you tried running anything else to it? And/or tested your PC by running it to say a tv?
@deejeta yeah i tried it on my small monitor with vga then hdmi to my tv, its kind of frustrating. could it be something to do with the hdd?
Unplug all the drives and unnecessary USB perfs from the motherboard then try to POST again. If display then its one of your drives. If no POST - my gut feeling is that you've got a dead board.
When you say you've checked the RAM what do you mean - memtest86 in another machine...?
@deejeta i swapped my laptop ram into the pc and it works on my laptop now, so im sure its not the ram, maybe im wrong,