so i was building my pc today and when i tryed to turn it on it did not work i according to the motherboard manual connected the front panel connectors wrong so i fixed them i tried to turn it on again but i only saw a blue led light light up but than it whent away fast nothing turns on then i tried only connecting the motherboard ram CPU and GPU i found something strange only the graphics card turned on but nothing else here are my specs please help me also one like pin on the 24 pin connector was missing i dont know if its normal or not i am furious!
you mean this?
Here is a tutotrial I've used to determine what's the problem. :
Have you pluged in the 8pin(or 4+4 pin) power as well as the 24pin power lead?
yes i did
Have you made shure the ram is in the correct slots?
yes i put filled them all
like this?
pull out the ram stick from dimm 4 and leave the one in dimm 2 then try a boot if that dosent work put the ram stick you took out and try it in the dimm 2 slot to see if your ram is makeing the problem
no its still the same :(
nothing turns on only the small led light on the motherboard
so the cpu fan dosent spin up?
yea nothing turns on except that led light on the motherboard and when the mother board RAM GPU and CPU are only connected only the GPU starts up but nothing else
Well the best thing to do is take everything back out the case place the motherboard on some cardboard conect up the psu gpu and monitor (as well as the ram)
When you have everything set up swich the psu on and short the 2 power pins by tuching them both at the same time with a ecletrical screwdriver (this will act as the power swich to boot the computer)
If that dosent work ether your psu is fulty or your motherboard is fulty.
If that works something inside the case was makeing a short and was stoping the motherboard booting up
ok please stay if i have any questions you are the only one that actually helps :)
I would just like to comment here in compliment of Cooperman's assistance of zoura20.
Well done man. This kind of thing is what the Tek Syndicate community is all about.
no nothing happens
well there is one last thing you can try and that is take the cpu out and then place it back in and try again (allso if you have anuther psu around try that)
If that dosent work send back the psu and motherboard for new ones