So for the past 2 hours. I've been trying to troubleshoot my brother's PC. Bought it 6 months ago, built it myself and it worked perfectly fine until this evening. My brother told me that the PC is blue screen-ing at the windows bootup. After that lets just say i tried everything you need to do in that scenario but when i reboot the system again to try to go the bios and disable the auto-restart to see the blue screen the PC just won't post, nothing, nada.
Tried everything I could imagine to try to have the system post but nothing. Any suggestions? I'm exhausted its 2 am here right now so yea.
Here are the specs. i5 6500 MSI H110m gaming msi gtx1050 ti 8gb Adata ram 2, 1 tb seagate drives cx450m psu
TL;DR 6 month old pc suddenly bluescreen at windows start up, then won't post. Any ideas?
At this point, if it were mine, and you haven't done it already, remove everything but the mobo and processor and see what it does. Plug into integrated GPU obviously.
If it posts this way, start installing memory, then other accessories and see what causes it to fail.
If it does not post this way, I would start by using a multimeter to check the outputs of the PSU.
I would let it sit unplugged for an hr then try it again or clear the cmos. Clear cmos is a little jumper on MB It worked for me after some overclocking ideas went really bad, no idea why it worked.
@Cobra92fs Did that too last night while troubleshooting the thing but it didn't post. I don't have a multimeter but i do have another a spare psu ill try that a bit later when my brother wakes up.
@anon85933304 Yea, I was thinking about the same thing, leaving it unplug for hours and try it again cuz worked for my other pc but sadly did that 1st thing when i woke up still won't post.
You have ram in when trying to post correct (not trying to insult just checking). If you have swapped everything that you can refer to mobo manual for how it will tell you where it is failing.
EZ Debug LED: Debug LED indicators These LEDs indicate the status of the motherboard. CPU - indicates CPU is not detected or fail. DRAM - indicates DRAM is not detected or fail. VGA - indicates GPU is not detected or fail.
Np, so I did this. Did it without the ram, did it with the ram. As I said I down to mobo and cpu, I worked my way up. But sorry i failed to mention that I didn't have a spare ddr4 memory around.
If the lights come on when the corresponding device is removed then its probably a mobo issue, contact the company to rma it. Not 100% but pretty high thats the issue.
Wait what? I though its the other way around. Lights = problem, No light = No problem. So if the light turns on when the corresponding device is removed and if the device is added, the lights turns off.
Am I misunderstand on how those LEDs suppose to work?
If there is a problem it will light up, so if the device isnt there the light should come on. If the device is installed, then the light should turn off. Sry if my wording was poor.
Sorry I think my explanation is also confusing. Thanks. So yea i think no problem with the mobo so far cuz the Debug LED is working fine. I'll do the psu swapping a bit later. Will update after doing it.