PC running much slower after move

Hey guys, I recently had to make an emergency move and had to hastily package up my computer it its original case box.

Even since i got it up and running at the new place it has been running noticeably slower. I tried re-seating all the sata cables, wireless nic, and GPU.

Is there something else is should try? Remove the water block from the h100i and reseat the proc and RAM?

The most probable thing is something with your cooling got disconnected or damaged and may be causing throttling.. check all of your fans and your radiator etc. etc. or perhaps wherever you are now has higher ambient temps causing some throttling. What exactly is running slower anyways? could possibly give a better answer.

Thanks for the response!

Boot time from SSD is normal, but the start-up apps from the HDD tend to take longer than they used to, to run. Also just opening up apps can sometimes take a while.

I don't think its a cooling issue as both CorsairLink and AIsuite3 have the CPU temp pegged at 30c on a i7 4790. Maybe the hdd got damaged in the move?

yeah it actually sounds like your HDD might be damaged... there are programs you can run to test for errors i don't know any good ones off hand i've never had the need to use any. but anyways run one of those to confirm is the HDD is actually damaged (i'm sure someone will come in here with a good program reccomendation)

Fun fun, ok i'll see what i can do.

Thanks for the help.