PC Perspective's 563$ Console Killer

Been roaming around youtube for different build vid's and stumbled upon Pc Perspectives "How to Build a Gaming PC to Beat the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One". Now I know we can do better, but it's important as learning tool for me and others to examine different builds from different sites to gain insight and weigh opinions. Furthermore, through this same process the community here at Tek Forum can grow all the stronger from our shared perspective.

Alright. We got this. Let's do it cheaper and better!

Circa Nov 22, 2013



I know we can beat his part list in price and function:





I'll also be scrounging around for other console killer's and other builds so we all can get some really good info and different points of view. Don't punish me if this has been done. Beside's, it's good to update for new members like myself. Thanks guys!

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/wxkq99 Saw and couldn't help myself. The graphics are about 2x are strong and the processor has an extra 2 cores. 

And here is what he has in the video bc that amazon list didn't include the Motherboard (MoBo).








And those NZXT cases are just cooler looking. Nough said

You forgot the blue ray, but it isn't really a necessary part imo. Flash drive that sheeet folks!

Haven't heard much about Seagate for the HDD. The Western Digital I've included is supposed to be good and is cheaper.

Your paying $10 to much for that 8gb's of ram. Buying a beastly motherboard for a lower voltage processor. Having both a 270x AND a 4gb model useless. The 270 is literally just as fast, like its the same gpu core just clocked minor amounts lower which can be fixed with an OC. And 4gb's of ram on that card is just dumb. The card is not strong enough to use more then 2gb's. Some games use more then 2gb's with textures but the 270 is NOT fast enough to play those games with that high of settings. The corsair 200r is known for cheap plastic construction that is far inferior to the source 210. And dvd drives aren't even considered a needed part with everything being digital download. Plus the stock cooler your using is a leaf blower. Then your using a slower laptop hard drive instead of a faster one for $10 more. 

All points are pretty much valid, although I do like the 200R due to its better compatibility with taller coolers than the Source 210.

Whoever came up with that is full of the lolz

The compatibility of the corsair is better but the quality is better in the source. The 200r is known for cheap, plastic hard drive sleds and cheap plastic internals.  

Something we should probably take into consideration is that this video is from 2013. Prices have changed quite a bit since then.

*noted in original post