PC Masterrace Subreddit BANNED?!?

Yeah, I mean r/gaming did it to use why cant we poke fun at them? I know some of the community are assholes but thats every community, what are we going to do ban life?

I agree. Doxxing is wrong, but they should have handled it differently.

It does appear that way. Turn it on its head, and have console users poking fun at PC. Would we have seen the same reaction? haha... ban life.

That brought a slight tear to my eye...

well,  supposedly, one of the doxxers called up the mod's local pd, claming to be the mod, and made a bomb threat...

There's no defending that.

Banning that guy for asking questions about the thread is pretty childish on their part.

Reddit and 4chan have some strange cult followings. Like that gabe one. Where did that one start at? Amusing, but strange at the same time.

I actually followed /r/pcmasterrace/ mostly because it was just great for some real good laughs. Sad to see it closed down, but oh well.

They setup their own website: http://www.pcmasterrace.net/

truely epic


This is the post that started it.


you'll have to scroll down to the bottom to where thorse was downvoted to oblivion.

/r/pcmasterrace called him out. in their own thread (link to that one) and he retaliated on masterrace ground. After I don't know how many threads thorse made him self into a bonified ass-hat, and a witch hunt began on both subreddits. (which all now all posted as 'deleted')

he was getting doxxed.

finally admins pulled the plug and banned the sub until further notice.

I dunno, apart from PC gamers trying to convince Console users that PCs are universally better and console users taking offense, I think it is pretty much tit for tat isn't it. I could be wrong but I think most of use here are probably guilty of it as some stage or another. It can be quiet annoying when someone attacks the computer gaming scene saying consoles are better, different maybe, better no, not at all.

I enjoyed my playstation 1 and 2, there was some good games on those consoles, but I don't think these new consoles are 'consoles' anymore in the traditional sense. Gone are the days where you just put in a game disc, now you have installs, console updates required to play games, and apparently the new playstation is going to lock the game down to a specific machine (at least in some areas). Sharing games was one of the hallmarks of consoles, especially with all this recent DRM. However not even that is there anymore, and not to mention with the emergence of steam you can get games much, much cheaper than consoles, you also have community made content. So whilst benefits of computer gaming have increased, I thnk the benefits of console gaming have decreased.

the image that started it all


That actually looks really good. No doubt it cost at least 3 times a console though.

as it goes thorse removed the post in /r/gaming because this image was not related to gaming. Even though the title was about gaming and included the name of a very popular space sim yet to some out, it was in violation of the rules for not being 'gaming related'

Hit the nail on the head. Consoles have gotten more expensive than they're really worth. And PCs are becoming more convenient.

i've read through this thorse persons coments and i have to say i only see massive logic fails, when i picture the preson that's saying some of these things i can only picture one of those stupidly disfigured gmod faces

Consoles are nothing more than specialized PCs for gaming. Hmmmmm sounds like a gaming computer

Now you're just blurring the lines. Hell my phone is a gaming computer by your standards

well no, not unless it's an n-gauge or xperia play, believe it or not gaming is an afterthought when designing a phone

I even included a mention to star citizen? Guess /r/gaming frowns upon revolutionary games and sexy ass rigs.

Yup. for all we know, you built that thing to do your taxes

the reply after that said most unintelegent comment of all time, and i can't think of anything better than that



There you go, my freakout, sarcastically.

i'm more disgusted at the mod's replies.