PC Master Race vs. My PS4 Friends

Hi all... I want your opinions... I dont as much has a problem... But I want your opinions...

I have recently started the transition from ps3 to the PC master race. But then my PC broke and I was playing ps3 again... But I will be buying a new one after Christmas... Which is all well and good... But... All my friends... My clan members on bf4... Which is my main game... Are all going to ps4... And I am going to be on my own... But I was playing bf3 with them last night... As like a final fight for bf3 kinda thing... And it made me want to follow them to ps4... But I don't have the money... And I need a PC for college work.... So what I could do... Is continue with PC... And when I get the money... By a ps4 and bf4... But then they will have premium and all the maps...

What would you do... If you had like 1 friend on pc that you play with... And all your good friends that play with you and are good and team working etc... Are on ps4... Would you spend the money to join them... Please be open minded about this... I would like to know what you guys/girls think of my situation...

Oh... And if I was buying a ps4... It would be in a while at least... Probably over a year... I am 17 and In sixth form college doing media... So need a good pc for that... Its all very sad for me...

Thank you for the help :)

I left all my console friends behind. Honestly couldn't go back to console.

I believe there are vendors who sell Battlefield 4 with the premium DLC. I know that it is featured in Tek Syndicate's GameFan affiliate shop. Unfortunately, it is PC download. But you should be able to find a premium copy for PS4.

It's good to keep a balance. I played multiplayer games on the console and played single player games on PC  I jumped ship from consoles to PC this gen cause after 8 years with my console i expected more of an improvement. PersonalIy I Really couldn't go back to consoles either. But its not like I'm not going to stop talking to friends I played with on the consoles. Plus there really isn't anything wrong with having both. I keep them for exclusive titles. I feel there are just better exclusives on the consoles. In my opinion. Get what you feel confortable with, in the end we're gamers, it doesn't matter what platform you're on.

I think you would be happier on the PC world, there are more and better exclusives, the PS4 exclusives are like corridor shooters. Plus Computer Games are modable which adds alot of extra gameplay and enjoyment. Additionally you said you need a computer anyway, well if you need a computer then you need one, and if that means not getting a PS4 for a while then that is what it means. And lastly the games are alot cheaper with things these internet sales on PC.

I would stay with pc because you need for your work in school. With ps4 and a copy of BF4 premium would set you back quite a bit, around $500 in America. Which with that you could easily fix your Pc and you will probably have money spare from that. So i would fix your pc first then decide to buy a ps4. 

what are your current pc specs? how is it "broken"?

I think this fits this thread perfectly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6g-BpFEjD0

It broke... I sent it back... And I am going to get an i5 4670k with an MSI Z87-G45 gaming with 8gb 2x4gb ram.(not sure about speed) and a gtx 760. And corsair cx600

I would go pc not too hard to find friends :D i play bf4, and that build isnt bad at all.

I'd just convert them to the PC gaming master race.

Show them Linus' new vid about consoles vs pc where a budget PC was equal to PS4/XBONE graphics then mention the Steam sales.

You'll get friends on PC, don't worry about it.

+1 i used to play alot of xbox/ps3 but i made alot of freinds on pc in no time mainly due to the Tek

I think... you... Should stop... typing... like this...

The ps4 exclusives arent corridor shooters, things like Metal gear solid, Kingdom hearts 3, stuff like that is great.

I would only use a console for exclusive games. 

If there's a version for PC, always play PC.

If they are like super great friends they should pich into getting u a ps4 i'm helping a friend get a new gpu this Christmas season so mabee they could spread the love of Christmas and giving :D

I have to admit I haven't seen MGS but I looked at killzone which I believe is suppose to be the so called pinacle of PS4 games, and was demoed with the console at keynotes, and then I saw a gameplay run, it uh, it involved progressing through litteral corridors shooting at stuff.

Also I believe Kingdom of hearts is a korean RPG, so uh yeah, that, that wouldn't be a anything shooter. I had a PS1 and there were some games on that, that I really liked, game genres that were not really on PCs as well, PS2 still had some cool games (like ratchet and clank), but nowadays it seems to just be big game studios making generic games and often rehashes...

The games I really liked were made by smaller studios, I don't think you get that sort of innovation on consoles anymore.... I think if you want a game that takes risks, that isn't ultra orthadox/generic or isn't dummed down to broaden the appeal as much as possible then I think consoles are not for you. It just depends what sort of games you want I guess.

Yeah and you shouldn't feel 'guilted into it', bad about it any kind of way or otherwise obligated, they are the ones going out and changing their platform, leaving behind people not you. You shouldn't feel preasured into it because some people you play with are doing it, I think you should just ask yourself, do I really want a console, or am I just doing this because of those people.

And you will probably have that console for a long time, but internet friends can come and go, I used to play with some people on BFBC2 and when BF3 came along after a while we just stopped... So you could be left without those friends, and with a console you are only on because they wanted to play on a console. I mean people here will say stuff like you should stay on computer because it is better, but it is up to you, do you really want a console?

I do agree with that, except for the korean RPG part. Its just an RPG in general. MGS is great. But yeah, you don't get any good console games anymore, maybe one or two a generation, if that.

Kingdom hearts isn't exclusive anymore.