Hi, my PC has been making the same type of noises the last couple months randomly. I originally thought it was due to swapping my speakers and headphones. But it's happening regardless and with both speakers and headphones. It seems to be happening more often than it used to.
I haven't thought about that before... Idk how that'd really work. Do you have any suggestions?
I figured I must have broke something or it's something that needs to be replaced or fixed... not necessarily something that needs to be added. I've had this PC a couple years and this problem only started in the past couple months. Maybe software and I just need to Re-install windows?
What audio port are you using, the rear panel port or front panel audio? If you change ports does the sound persist? Does the sound seem to get more frequent when doing particular activities on the PC? Disconnect all peripherals and see if the sound persists? (I know you need something, at least a mouse so keep that in for a test, then swap it out for the keyboard and try it again - the purpose here is to make sure it's not a usb bus issue causing the sound. Does the sound only happen via speakers or headphones, it's not being produced by the components themselves correct? Boot a Linux live CD or USB and see if the sound is still there. Move the whole PC to a different power plug in a different part of the house and test. Make sure you don't have anything that receives or send a wireless signal right next to the speakers or headphones. (cellphones can make speakers produce odd sounds.)
Thank you. All great reply's. I'll update again when I figure anything else out.
I just checked for any cooler leakage and there isn't any. I got some canned air and cleaned it out while I was at it. Completely disconnected all 4 screens and other peripherals and since plugging them back in and turning it back on a 5-10 minutes ago, I have not heard the sound.
Before I shut it down, the sound was happening many times a minute.
Ok, both audio ports front and back produce the sound.
It seems like the longer I run the PC, the more frequently it happens... but I'm not sure and I'm not sure if it's related to any activities yet.
I disconnected the mouse an keyboard while after the pc was running and already producing the sound and it's still persisting. I can try booting it up without them though.
The sound is not being produced by the components. it's through the speakers and headphones
I'll move the PC to another part of the house and test now.
Something to note though; I actually noticed that I had a couple usb cords plugged in, just hanging out of it before I cleaned it out with canned air. When I plugged everything back in last night, I ran it for atleast 4 hours without noticing the noise. When I started it up this morning, the noise is back though every few to fifteen minutes... Multiple times a minute now Does this help with any conclusions?
Update: Been running it on a different outlet. A single different screen (instead of my 4 normal screens), different mouse, keyboard and speakers. The noise hasn't happened at all and I turning it on an hour ago.
My best guess would be that the motherboard has some sort of issue that is causing interference in the audio circuitry. You may end up having to contact Asus about it and go through some troubleshooting with them. Additional things you need to try before you start RMA'ing parts: 1.) Make a Linux(Ubuntu is a great choice) USB or CD/DVD and boot the PC with that and see if the sound persists. If it does not persist then it is most likely one of the following issues - a.) UEFI (BIOS) needs to be updated. b.) sound card drivers need to be updated. (This may need to go as far as fully removing all traces of the sound card hardware and drivers from the system and reinstalling clean and fresh.) 2.)The sound persists under Linux (which will be using a generic driver designed to handle that hardware) which indicates it is hardware failure and the motherboard needs to be replaced. Notes It could be a component that is internal causing issues. Power supply providing bad or dirty power could in theory cause interference. This is one of the reasons you use Power Conditioners with high end equipment. They provide clean stable power. It could also be a bad component causing power issues that is causing interference.
Regardless the only way to test this for sure is to get different software to handle the hardware so you can determine where the issue is.
Best of luck with it. I hope you can get it figured out.
Ok, I figured out the problem. It was a website that I had among my common tabs. I have no idea why or how it's creating the sound. I just notice while I had chrome up a couple times that whenever the sound happened, a sound icon would pop up and fad in the tab. I've stopped using the website on that PC and the sound hasn't returned.
Very odd. I've opened that website on my laptop and don't get the sound at all.