So I have overcome most issues, installed windows and some programs and everything was fine. Until I wanted to quicken up the startup time. The problem: I went to the bios of my Msi z77a-gd45 gaming and selected "windows 8 features" under "advanced" in settings. Once I restarted this came up in yellow/grey/white old-ish bios text:
Efi Shell version 2.31 [4.653]
Current running mode 1.1.2
map: Cannot find required map name.
Press ESC in 5 (counts down to 1 and then stays at 1) seconds to skip startup.nsh, any other key to continue.
Shell> _
It leaves me with this command prompt and I'm stuck... I can not press ESC to cancel or DEL to enter bios as I used to I pressed every button on the keyboard on startup and still nothing. I'm not sure if this belongs in this thread but I just thought I built a new pc so why the hell not.
The only thing I can seem to do is type stuff in the Shell prompt, but I don't know shell soooooo...
(Btw, my reset cmos button is kinda broken, i pushed it too hard and it just crumbled. No problems, just the switch doesn't work anmore, so I guess I'm screwed in theese kind of situation... If someone knows if there is another way to reset cmos, I am sure that would probably fix my issue)
Thx in advance
Edit: it seems I don't even have the option to write in the shell prompt now either, well....
take the bios battery out while the computer is unpluged, hit the power button, put the batter back in, plug pc back in, turn on, there should also be a clear CMOS pin you could use
Trying it asap, I actually thought of that myself after writing the post... And there is no clear cmos pin because there is a button, but it's broken as I said erlier, gonna ome back after I put the battery back in. Gotta remove the gpu first
Upon further testing, after logging in to windows, I get a blackscreen but I can move my mouse arround. I can enter task manager and change user, and I can sign out. But I can not do anything else. It's frustrating. I may have to reinstall windows but oh well. If you find another solution, please let me now :(