As the title says my pc is locking up under load (prime 95 blend test) and I have no clue why. I did already know that my ram was possibly slightly broken (failed 1 memtest but passed the other 3 :/) so I ran a memtest which came up with 3/3 passes and seeing as my pc would lock up every time after starting the prime 95 test it is obviously not the ram at fault. So next thing to rule out was the psu so I did a furmark bench test at the highest possible settings just to make my gpu draw as much power from the psu as possible..... but it ran perfectly fine for 10 mins. So last thing on the list and also the most probable from the start is the cpu, I have tried upping the voltages from 1.41875V to 1.42500V (CPU voltage) and 1.19375V to 1.20000V (CPU/NB voltage) but it did nothing. I also tried running a custom prime 95 test on only 4 threads which worked but when pushed to 6 threads it froze. Last week I did try the auto tuning on the AI suite software which made my system unstable so I reverted the system to stock voltages and frequency then ran a prime 95 test which did not lock the computer up. Idle loads (15% max) seem to be stable for now.
Some helpful info:
CPU - AMD FX 8150 @3.6GHz turbo ~3.9GHz (Stock speeds)
On starting the prime 95 test the pc locks up immediately - My cpu load monitor does not even have time to update the higher cpu load
By locks up I mean there is no output (other than the frozen screen) from the computer and ctrl+alt+del does nothing. Fans see to also begin to slow down (im guessing the fan control software has crashed so the fans are using the default speeds set by the bios?)
Once the pc has been turned off power is still going to the usb devices (usb flash drive)
I also recently went into the registry editor and changed the Value max and Value min for this key0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583. I did this to unpark all of my cores.
This started occurring after a reboot of my pc but did occasionally happen before this event
On startup the cpu usage goes up to ~80% but does not lock up
first off prime 95 for fx cpus and most modern Intel is a major no no. it is a great way to kill a good cpu. use aida64 or just about anything else other than prime 95. prime 95 is good for amd cpu's phenom II and older. if you must know why do a quick google. or let others post it for you.
There's enough evidence out there to support hawk's statement. If your running with the stock cooler with your 8150, running stock clocks/turbo boost or overclocking switch that sucker out. These octacores get hot so getting something like a 212 or another well venerated cooler will only benefit you now and in the long term.
I am currently running a H110 water cooler but I will now download aida64 for future use. I don't think it is overheating as I have never run the cpu above 70C. It seems that when it tries to turbo there isn't enough power for it so just locks up. Really weird as I am running really good and trusted hardware for power delivery and the psu definitely isnt near to full load. Also the increased voltage was my attempt to stabilise the system..... didn't work... before this started to happen voltages were stock and temps were are all normal. Thanks for your replies guys! keep them coming :)
Ok..... just stress tested with aida64 and it didnt lock up..... also im now watching twitch in source (previously would also lock my pc up) and its running fine..... ill run a prolonged test and will keep note of core speeds voltages and temps. Could software be causing this??? All that has happened between yesterday and now is I shut down my pc normally (without it locking up).