PC Help

ok so this is what i have in my pc http://pcpartpicker.com/user/iMicci/saved/1PiA yesterday i kinda took some anger out and pulled a hose out from the cpu block. i use meyhams coolant. i figured the entire thing was toast but my friend encouraged me to try n fix it so i replaced the hose and refilled the loop during this process sometimes the pc would not power on to add more coolant but then it would..once i filled the loop i tried to hook my hdmi cable up and i had no video i even tried a dvi cable still nothing. then i turn the pc off and it wont turn back on. so i left it off for a couple hours trying to turn it on here n there but nothing..then randomly last night the pc turned on by itself but it still didnt show anything on the screen..i dont even think it even post cuz the motherboard doesnt go through the post code lights..i tried turning it on today but it has not turned on the lights on the motherboard shows that there is power going to the board but i really dont kno..i read something that it doesnt take much power to power those lights so it could b a psu failure idk but i need help guyz! 

You pulled out a hose whilst the machine was on? Or off? Either way if coolant went everywhere especially that mayhems gunk there is a good chance you have shorted out something.

Most small things like lights on the motherboard run off the 5v line and are run off a separate sub-microcontroller.

My advice would be too take it all apart. Get some alcohol and give everything a wipe down & clean, let it all dry for a good while. Then filter out which parts you have killed. My guess is at bare minimum the motherboard. 

I built a new Gaming PC but.. now need steam friends!

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LoL are the only kind of games I'm NOT into.

ill try that..it was on btw