PC Hardware choices for multiboxing

Hello tekkie, 

I was wonding what kind of hardware would be the hardware to look at when multiboxing wow. I don't do it but my friend does. He has a dual monitor setup and runs his four WoW accounts on a system that has an Asus z87 PRO, i7 4770k, 4 sticks of ddr3 2400mhz (4x4GB) and a gtx 570. Both of his monitors are 1080p 60mhz. 

He is always trying to find what bogs his system down. I told him to get a gtx 760 with 4gb of memory. The ones he currently has 1.2 gb of memory. What should he be looking at if he is running 4 wow accounts? 

Actually the fact that he has 4 instances of WoW running at the same time is probably what is bogging down that skimpy 4 core CPU. He's either going to need a 6 core Intel or an 8 core AMD if he wants to deal with all that multitasking. And yes that old power hungry 570 isn't doing him any favors with 1GB of VRAM.

Why the hell does your friend run 4 WoW accounts at the same time?

Old trick for making in game money on MMORPGs, and powerleveling yourself.