PC Ground Branch - Remake of proper tom clancy style old shooters

Did anyone ever play Rainbow Six Rogue Spear and
Ghost Recon 1 ORG back in the DOS/Win9x/3DFX days ?

it seems a bunch of people are bringing back the hardcore
tom clancy style tatical shooter since most (all) studios with
multi plat games are watering them down for the casual gamer

Ive seen this game under development for a while
and finally backed/supported the early access build today
Looks like it has training mode, offline mp via ai bots
server browser, dedicated servers and elements missing
in a lot of todays shooters . I hope this game is an success
in 2017-2018-2019

Offical page is http://groundbranch.com/
Its Windows only currently
and they offer an old build that was using
UE3 to download for free

I uploaded a video for it , so you guys can see what its like:-
Ground Branch PC - Quick Look + Terrorist Hunt vs ai bots
[720p][30fps][Early Access]