any tips on pc gaming calibration? anything ranging from bios parameters, video card parameters etc...
i have an i3770k, z77 sabertooth and a 7970.
any tips on pc gaming calibration? anything ranging from bios parameters, video card parameters etc...
i have an i3770k, z77 sabertooth and a 7970.
Calibration, wut. Overclock if you want, uhh, I don't know.
Plug it in, strap in, and go.
Here's a guide from Guru3D on overclocking your videocard if you're interested in that.,1.html
Garrus? is that you?
not really looking for overclocking cpu or video.. overclocking is an obvious option.. calibration in the sense of stuff like disabling hyperthreading or the igpu and other bios options, stuff like setting constant nominal power across the board, specific video enhancements like fps capping and dedicated gpu over-rides.. the kind of calibration that is usually overlooked to fine tune a machine and maximize performance. afterwards overclocking is a nice option. you can pretty much build a top of the line machine with an amd/intel and get the same performance on low detail as you would high detail and be subject to frame latency/micro-stutters etc.. calibration kills this sort of stuff.