Pc game you prefer out of the following :

Which Game You Like Best?

Half Life by far. All of those titles are horrible compared to it.

CSS and HL (2)

Css and Half Life

I don't see what any of those titles are doing on the same list as Half-Life. maybe if HL was up against some real contenders for best game ever like Deus Ex, Alpha Centauri, the TES series, System Shock, and Fallout... if those games were on the list I'd pick Deus Ex... but it would be a tough race for 2nd.Â

Half Life is forever!

these games dont even compare to the HL series.

I would have to say Half Life.

but cs:s and half life r on the sma enginemakes no sense


SHIT I like them all alot. I can't decide. explodes

what do you use for gaming and now this? are you guys [color=#993300]TRYING[/color][color=#ffffff] to make polls you already know the answer to?[/color]