Pc game evil within issues?

ok so i went and bought the game evil within off of steam well when i go and try to load it it crashes on me is there a way to fix this? i want to play the game i paid for

not getting crashes my end, runs flawlessly.

your profile doesnt list your specs so I cant see what your config is.

mobo: asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

cpu: amd 8350

16 gigs of 1866 ram

gpu: evga 295 co-op

Guess is your gpu isn't good enough.  Pretty sure Evil Within is DX11 and your card does not support DX11 according to EVGA's website.  There is probably a way to launch the game in DX10 but if that works your expreience will not be good.  At 1080p low settings with an R9 280x it ran around 30 fps.  With a Nvidia 295 you are lucky to get 5 fps.

oh wow thats crazzy i play skyrim every thing on max with a ton of mods and little to no issues at all same with FO NV


Skyrim is dx9

Also disable any app monitoring software like fraps or dxtory as ids game engine crashes to desktop frequently if you try running them

i have windows 7