PC crash issue: RAM or GPU

Sorry if this post is in the wrong section, no idea where else to put it.

Now lets get to the meat of the problem so maybe you guys can help me out.


I have a problem where my screen gets filled with bars of random colour separated by black thinner bars. This has been happening for a long time but been happening more recently. The strange part is this only happens when using flash intensive applications (youtube, twitch etc.), on some games (Binding of Issac and Rise of Nations comes to mind) but not while playing well optimised games. Never happens when I play CSGO or Payday 2. Also happens when listening to music on foobar unless I'm playing a game at the same time. While playing CS 24/7 would fix the problem (and would be hella fun) that's not really feasible. My GPU is Radeon HD6700 series, not sure which exact model but ill pry open the case if you guys wanna know. I run 2 sticks of 1333mhz ram. Ill include the image of the screen and give any more info if you guys want to know more. Thanks for the help.



Have you done any malware scans? To test the ram use memtest a couple of times. Then if you have on board graphics switch over to it to see if you can reproduce the error.

Don't have onboard graphics and i was meaning to do memtest but didnt get around to it. Ill try a malware scan but i was thinking of reinstalling Os so i might just do that :) thanks


Do you have a spare card or could you borrow one?

  • try gpu in another machine or another gpu in your machine
  • change to another pcie slot
  • memtest