Pc Crash during gameplay

Okey, When i play games my game starts to lag and then it will freeze with a coloured striped screen and i need to restart my pc to fix it. I will in about a month replace 1 part in my system to a newer one but i dont now what may cause the problem and i would like to replace the part who is failing, i cant afford 2 and i do not have any other part to troubleshoot it i only have does in my system. So i really cant screw this up so any ideas of what it could be 1 got a couple of things i now its not and those are RAM memory and my screen i replace and check them and not overheating its okey temperature in it     my parts is 

CPU: AMD phenom II X4 955  With a Artic Cooling Freezer A30

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6770

PSU: Chieftec NTRO 85+ BBC 550 C   550 Watt

Any more information about my system is on my profile

Please help me before i thrown my system out of the window any then cause a fire that will burn both me and my house I am guessing its my Gpu but i do not really know its only a guess

Sound to me that your overheating, what temps are your parts getting while your gaming? If they go above 85c - 90c I would looking into what’s causing the CPU/GPU to overheat. One more question for you, are you overclocking, because sometimes when you get a bad overclock on your GPU, when you crash it can leave and oddly striped image on your display.

Its not overclocked at all and do you know any good program to check the temperature on the GPU


GPU-z Is what I use for monitoring temps, just go on the "Graphs" tab and the temps should be in there. Secondly has this been happening since you got the card or did this just start occurring? Its possible that you have a faulty card.

its maybe a faulty graphics card as you suggest i will probably change it, the problem has been for a while and it was good in the beginning but i got the problem for about 1 year ago but then it was not a big problem only occured sometimes but now its its worse than ever right now i have it several times a day which is a record 

i have now played and the problem occured once more the GPU never went over 60 C and it was on that temperature a long while before it crashed :/ 

From what I've gathered it probobly some components loose and when it heats up it moves exer so slightly and looses contact or something like that. What graphics card is it?

Its a AMD Radeon HD 6770

Its not hitting anywhere near the max safe temp, but seeing temps seem to effect this happening you could try underclocking your card.

Remove everything, clean-up thermal paste are reseat all components (with some new paste).

Looks like overheat, but if it happened a year ago, it does not look good.

Also check for bloated caps near the PCIe ports and left of the CPU (if you have solid caps, look for brown/black goo under them).

It can be Mobo/CPU/RAM/GPU.

But unless you have spares to test with, it's really hard to find which one.

Its not my RAM thats for sure i bought new once and i still got the problem so its mobo/cpu/GPU left


I cant see any bloated caps at all and it sounds like overheating but the Gpu is always around 55-60 Degrees celsius when i play so its not near to overheating and like i said earlier its not my ram, my best guess is Gpu and i will replace it soon.

Okey i have underclocked it and it workes like a charm i geuss its becouse of it is dying i will replace it