Why hasn't anyone come up with a coolant for pcs like one has in a car?As in it does not need to be changed relatively frequently, and just works... it seems like it would be pretty easy obviously it would need to be thinner than that in a car, and have a different operating temperature. But the most important thing is that car coolant don't corrode any components in it loop, doesn't have a problems with algae build up, and does work very effectivly without really ever needing to be changed.
I don't know the last time you read up on water-cooling but it changed a lot now.
You can leave in your water for 2+ years and be fine, and one drop of a few chemicals will stop corrosion, or just use some silver.
just one of the better charts of all the top coolers
New car coolant Does corrode components in some cases. Also most WC loops dont have aluminum and thus dont need the same protection.
With regards to the buildup of algae in car loops, most of this is prevented in two ways, firstly the anti freeze produces an environment where it can't thrive very well, secondly when running the high temperatures and pressures in a car loop also make it a very inhospitable place.