PC Compatibility Question

I need to know if a GTX 660 ti 2gb or a GTX 650 ti 2gb card will work with the hardware I currently run. 

I want to a new card so im set for Black Ops 2 when released. 

Currently I Have


Card that I awant to get


What motherboard do you have? I can't help you without knowing that.

ASUS M4A88T-M http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=-1&isNodeId=1&Description=ASUS+M4A88T-M&x=25&y=21


Any help please?

Either of those cards should work. I believe any PCI3.0 card will work fine in a PCI 2.0 x16 slot.


im more worried about the power suply hook up, it has 1 built in 6pin to goto a GPU and a 2nd modualer one but ive never used it and dont know if thats what its used for...

It's used for cards that have 2 6pin Pcie connectors.  The power supply should be fine, although I recommend that you upgrade to a strong single rail power supply in the future.  Your unit has 3 12v rails which can be a pain if you connect too many things to 1 of them.

Get something along the lines of a Corsair TX,HX or AX 650w up.  750w if you plan on doing SLI in future with a bunch of fans and HDDs.  Seasonic and Coolermaster etc, Antec has a few in their range aswell.

Single 12v rail with high amps.

Don't bother with the 650ti.  Get the 660ti, maybe consider MSI Power Edition 660ti, Asus 660ti DC2 or Gigabyte windforce 660ti.  They run much cooler and quieter than the EVGA.

There's nothing wrong with EVGA I own a 470 from them.  I'm personally not liking the short PCB with the shroud design they have.  Loud and hot, though they do look good from the front.

Thanks for the help, ill look into a new Power supply for sure.

Your next upgrade should be a new CPU! or MB/cpu

Yeah both of those cards should work. They are a more powerful than your CPU and you may not get teh full power you desire. If your CPU is AM3+ and your motherboard can take it, you may want to think about upgrading to a bulldozer series processor. Maybe a four or even 8 core.