Do you guys think this is a good PC that can run most games such as GTA v battlefront etc.
It will, but I would reccomend spending less on the CPU and more on the graphics card.
A 750Ti typically pairs with an i3. In fact you could you get an i3 and a higher end card like an R9 270x, and they would be a killer combination.
On the other hand having a high end CPU does make upgrading in the future more convenient, so it's up to you, but for me I would go i3 + 270x. - on budget - i5, 8gb ram, 250gb ssd, 1tb hdd, nice case, decent enough psu, gtx960.
What kind of i3 CPU and thank you for you feedback
deejeta config is good, get that
Deejeta's build is solid I'd go with that. H97 is not going to crap out on you.
I would not get the i3 over an i5 that is bad advice.
A r9 270x is equal to a gtx 960 so I would go either. I would also take a look at the new 300 series AMD cards if you decide to go AMD they are better than the last gen.