Ok so, I'm looking to build a PC for under 1000$ that's really fast and good for gaming. Im looking to play games like Titanfall and BF4. It must have an SSD for the OS. All the parts must be available in Canada. Thanks
"really fast" and "good for gaming" are very loose ended. I can say that a $500 pc is fast and good for gaming. What are your requirements is the question that you should be asking. Example being 1080p gaming, consistent 60 fps, an AMD or Intel CPU, AMD or Nvidia GPU. A website I would recommend is NCIX since your in Canada. Newegg also might have a Canada website.
Alright, sorry, I'm gaming in 1080p consistent 60 fps, settings on high or ultra, AMD or Intel CPU doesn't matter, NVIDIA or AMD GPU doesn't matter
Could be cheaper with a cheaper case.
+1 right there except for the video card. I have noticed that 2GB of VRAM isn't enough now. I can play BF4 on my 760 2GB but I can play on High instead of Ultra and turning off the AO and AA and I'm left with 1.75 GB of VRAM
^^ bf4 @4K is only 3gbs of vram 2gbs is fine for 1080p
You sure? I mean when I turn the game settings to Ultra, it uses all of my 2GB of VRAM and Titanfall is no difference. Maybe because I have a second monitor plugged in.
hmmm. Interesting..... Thanks for sharing this with me.
positive and yup, its a factor.
Cooperman is awesome! lol
made some slight adjustments to your build. cheaper case and ditched the cooler (not sure if he will be overclocking) and bumped the GPU up to a 770