i was just wondering if someone could review this build and tell me the performance of it http://pcpartpicker.com/user/bobtart/saved/4DfG
What will you be using it for?
gaming also i am on a 650 budget so not much to work with
Well that board is not asus's best effort. No vrm cooling. Psu is overkill. A 500 or 550 80+bronze would be better. Last i looked newegg had 270 on sale for 154 dollars.
http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Freaksamcker/saved/4FfT Plus you can save a few more dollars by getting 8 gigs of 1600 ram verses the 1866
So like Freaksmacker I upped the motherboard, I also kept with the 1866 ram only because it is the same price as 1600 ram, I also picked a better suited PSU, and fit in a r7 270x, with about $50 to spare if you wanted/needed something else in the build.
Ya , i like that even better. +1
http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Freaksamcker/saved/4FgP Heres one thats really as cheap as i would go.
i picked a 750w so i could run crossfire in the future
You can throw that 750W back in, I didn't know that was your plan because I see plenty of builds where people over shoot their PSU needs.
No need for a 270X. Save a couple bucks and get a R9 270 instead.