I need help.
I want to get the AMD A6-64000K Socket: Fm2 but, I don't know if it is compatible with the ASUS M2N68-LA. (My computer is a HP Pavilion a6000n).
Can someone please tell me if it is compatible with this motherboard OR show me a cheap-fm2 socket motherboard compatible with the AMD A6-64000K. Thanks.
You currently have an am2 socket, and that is not compatible with the A6, plus, since you're going to upgrade your motherboard, you will also need new RAM since that mobo only supports older DDR2 technology.
or this
and for the RAM, since your using an APU, you will need at least 8GB of RAM, you could use 4GB, but the APU and OS will be sharing it, and your better off using 8GB, but it's your choice nonetheless.
this is the cheapest RAM i could find.
you can watch teksyndicate's build video for guides on installing everything on the pc. Good luck and happy holidays.