PC Build (help)

Hello fellow PC lovers! In about 3 months I will be building my very first Gaming PC. So yes, this PC will be mainly focused on gaming, maaaaybe some school work but meh. Currently this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2IaCA is what I choose so far. Is this a solid build? Is there anything should change? Oh, my budget for this will be $2,000. Thanks for the help!

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2MmMV A bit better in my opinion, lets you overclock. Are you set on that case? If you want portability for LANs you're going to have a bad time with that case (from personal experience). You'd be better off going mini itx (if you aren't intending to overclock/SLI) or micro atx.

Sweet build! hmmm, im pretty on the fence with this case, but I do intend to overclock/SLI in the near future.

Here's a mini-itx Lan build I made before I saw your post. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2MmYb

And a micro-atx SLI compatible build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2Mn4B

Is LANing important to you, if not then there are much better cases than the Scout2 for either airflow or silent operating.

Airflow: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcaarcr2blw

Silent: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr4bl

Obviously just examples.

Edit: Also, any particular preference for AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia components?

Laning isn't very important to me due to the fact none of my friends don't really game on the pc. But that Silent case looks pretty sweet. 

And well I want tons of power to plow through any game in the market so I went with Intel and nvidia because they perform better (from what I've seen, could be wrong)

It very much depends on the games you want to play and what they use best. With Mantle, some AMD stuff will perform better. With some games using Physx you will want to use a Nvidia card.

If you are planning on SLIing in the future it might be better to get a 780 now for cheaper and get a second one. Personally I prefer a better single card config, and as you may be able to afford it, I'd grab a 780ti or 290X

Unless you need extra expansion slots (fan controllers, capture cards, wireless lan cards, tv tuners, etc) you may as well go with a decent micro atx system unless you want ridiculous cooling or want to run more than 4 hard drives at the same time.

Well the games I want to play is metro, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, fallout 3 and NV.


Hmm, well since the 780ti does perform better, I will go for it then, however, I do want to get my hands on a capture card and sound cards, maybe even a wireless connector. Also on the hard drives, I do plan on expanding the memory because of reasons haha. Cooling is also nice.

Okay. Well, we'll go with a mid atx case for the expansion slots. As far as sound cards go: refer to the audio forum. I know Logan has been doing some stuff with Mayflower and the sound cards are supposedly a gimmick.

Borderlands 2 wants Physx so we want Nvidia card so 780ti is a good choice. I'll mock up a build now. I'll grab you an AMD 8350 because cheaper + not much difference between it and 4770k for those particular games.

Edit: try this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2Mnwt

Thanks for the help, kind sir!

No problemo. I have no clue when it comes to sound/capture cards so you'll need to ask about those in their sections I guess.

http://pcpartpicker.com/part/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st3000dm001 is a 3TB drive for about the same as the 2TB hybrid one. Obviously the hybrid one is faster but if it's just for mass storage then save yourself some cash.

Also, if only minor overclocking, get the noctua NH-U14S instead of the h110 as it's cheaper and will get the job done. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/noctua-cpu-cooler-nhu14s

Eh ahaha (I love teksyndicate)