Pc Build (help)

I'm trying to build a PC with a Phantom 410 case (because I love it) and a high end GPU like a 780 or 290x! I am a NOOB! So i need help finding parts and stuff that matches together, i will be using this rig for Gaming and Graphical design plus Video editing and 3d computer animation in the future. I wont be able to build the rig until a little before June when I'm getting ready to leave for college! My price range is nothing over $1600 so keep that in mind! I also want to be able to record my game play and show off my rig to my friend who are also saving up to build beast pcs so help me be better pls!!   PS ....It needs to have a wifi adapter!

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2MiBW Would be my take. If you have any specific preferences I can look at alternatives (I'm assuming you will be overclocking? Otherwise cpu cooler might be overkill)

If you need intel/nvidia build I can look at that, or if you need a smaller rig (matx or mitx)


Edit: More different build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2Mjd3

Thanks , one question , would I be able to those parts in the NXZT phantom 410 case


everything you want!

This is a nice build, thanks!

This is something I throw together but IDK if all these parts are compatible with each other!


this; http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/3Df7 + your perfs + some sleeved cable extensions and good cable management and you'll have a very good looking build.

Just out of curiosity what screen & resolution do you intend to run things on? If its just a single 1080p screen then you can get away with a hell of a lot less than a uber gpu.

Good taste in case though, they make for one hell of a build.

get a 600w psu and then it will be all good 

oh dude thanks see that's something I would have cried about!

Nows heres a Question do you think i really need a liquid cooler? I do want to overclock thoe

Depending on what software you are using, it will benefit more from AMD or Intel, but I think in this case Intel would be the right choice.

Notice you have the non "K" version processor, so you won't be able to overclock.

Also, if you want to add another GPU in the future, I would recommend getting a PSU of 850W or around there, so you don't have to change PSU. 

I am going to be using programs like Cinema 4D and zBrush and mostly all of the Adobe programs. And something I read somewhere said that Adobe was going to be using Mantel so idk if AMD or intel .... I just don't know!

AMD 8320 + Asus 5M99FX Pro R2 motherboard will be really good for those programs as well as being cheaper which lets you spend a bit more on either your GPU or your RAM (RAM will arguably make your life a lot easier if you are doing a lot of rendering/editting)

Oh , and are those also great for gaming?

Yup. Depends what games specifically of course. Should run all current AAA titles on max settings if you have good enough RAM + GPU

oh then perfect, I'll be putting a Asus Radeon R9 290X 4GB Video Card in it thanks bro!

Oh , one more question 'Can I overclock or no?'

Made a couple of changes to you build. An ASUS Radeon R9 290X DCII card, will give you much much better performance, overclocking and LOADS quieter operation than the reference model you were choocing, also, it is a tiny bit cheaper, so a great deal there

This would be quite a sweetspot for reliable overclocking and great performance: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2MGF1

The FX 8320, with the Corsair H100i liquid AIO cooler, ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0, and the 750W 80+ gold seasonic psu, will give you very good and stable overclocking.

Also, the ASUS Radeon R9 290X DCII is very overclockable

Some one might say that the psu is a bit overkill, but i would prefer having a bit headroom, so you will not be maxing it out, and it will run with better efficiency, and be quieter. 750W will be plenty for this system, even with CPU, and GPU overlcocking. It is also 80+ gold, wich will provide you nice and clean power for stable overclocks.

I also added a nice mechanical keyboard, and a nice Razer Deathadder 2013 mouse, and the price is only 10$ over your budget.

I hope this helped you :)

Awesome , but what would happen if I put a FX-8350 in instead , and will that power support me adding another GPU in the future? Last, will that CPU cooler fit into my case? :)