i am currently in Australia and am looking at building a new $600 AUD computer for gaming to replace my gaming laptop, i mainly play dayz , dont starve, fortnight ect.
in my research www.umart.com.au is the cheapest based on price+shipping so here is what i have so far…
Ryzen 3 2200g w. wraith cooler = $139 AUD
MSI B350 M gaming Pro am4 matx motherboard = $114 AUD
G.Skill ripjaws 4 8GB (4GB x2) DDR4 2133MHZ = $139 AUD
Thermaltake 500w 80+ PSU = $65 AUD
AMD A6-950 2-CORE AM4 CPU = $65 AUD (this is the cheapest supported chip to update b350m bios to support the 2200g. i would resell this after update)
generic case = $40 AUD
ssd 250gb = $0 ( i have a spare one)
this is my first pc build in a long time, so bare with me. but down the road i would put in an amd gpu and better cpu.
any recommendations/changes or better settup???
- The motherboard… MSI is a bad choice for amd whatever for a while now, dating back to AM3 socket in early 2010s… They always have some weird issues. My non weird issue with MSI currently is their VRM… 3+2 - awful…
Check out some boards with more phases. Something like AB350M Pro4 by Asrock… I know it’s 3+3, but it have better VRM implementation. Although it depends on pricing. I would not even think about overlooking on that MSI board.
- The ram. At least 2666MHz. Don’t jump on Gskill for the name. I run Crucial Ballistics Elite and it have been rock solid. You need faster ram in more than one way for an APU system.
- First ask the retailer if they can update the bios for you. It may end up cheaper than buying a new CPU just to update the bios.
Also here is a thought…
How about trying to get 2400G? You will get a quad core with an 8 threads. It will last you longer than the 4 core 4 threads CPU in the 2200G. That way you just need to add a decent GPU and you have the equivalent of Ryzen 5 1400/1500X…
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thanks for response…
the retailer was going to charge me $70 to update bios… so i was like f-that. hence the extra cpu.
as far as the ram goes… ddr4 @2666MHZ+ is like $240 for 8gb
and the 2400g was my first choice but went with the 2200g for $100 less, which i would replace with the 2400g down the road with a gpu
I have to support this point. Check out some of the youtube reviews where higher speed memory performance is compared.
Also, it seems that being able to overclock the GPU portion of the APU gives significant gains, so keep that in mind.
also pc components are highly resell-able where i live as they are hard to get and there is a large movement of console users moving to pc atm. i could at least get 80% back on resell here
Understood that faster ram may be out of budget.
This small channel has a fairly concise video showing performance gains from memory speed and gpu overclocks.
wow thanks heaps for the video recommendation, might go with the 2400g after all - and try to find some good cheap ddr4…